While there’s no specific reason mentioned – like Elon Musk claimed, this could mostly be of the content moderation policies that Twitter is now following. After the acquisition, Musk reportedly lowered the content moderation tools to let free speech prevail on the platform.

Delisting Twitter From App Store

Ever since Musk took over Twitter, he has been rapidly making changes to the most significant parts of the platform. Some of these include reinstating controversial accounts like Donald Trump’s and Kanye West’s while also lowering the content moderation tools. While this would help prevail more free speech on the platform, this would also let anyone talk rubbish about others without proper proof. Also, firing half of the Twitter staff would make it even more difficult for the management to handle operations. While Twitter is actively hiring new people, the problem isn’t with the staff. But, with Musk’s ideologies. He has long been accusing Apple of its 30% App Store tax and monopoly status in the market while also being against free speech promotions. And now, he claims to have received a threat from Apple to withhold the Twitter app in their App Store – without mentioning any specific reason. This infuriated Musk, who’s accusing Apple on various counts on Twitter since yesterday.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 28, 2022 He had earlier stated he might make a smartphone if deemed necessary, and threats like these from tech giants may force him to pursue this thought further. Musk has constantly been alleging that Apple and its CEO are trying to undermine Twitter’s business. Well, in case of any app removal from the App Store, Apple can defend itself by citing policy violations – similar to Parler app, which has been reinstated only after making certain changes to its moderation policies.

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