According to some reports, the Wi-Fi Alliance momentarily restricted Huawei participation in its alliance. On the other hand, the SD Association removed Huawei from its organization permanently as of now. This is a big loss for Huawei as both Wi-Fi Alliance is responsible for promoting and certifying new Wi-Fi technology. Similarly, the SD Association sets industry standards for SD memory cards that are used in devices like digital cameras and phones.

Why are all the US companies following the US Govt order so quickly?

However, this doesn’t mean that Huawei’s phone won’t be able to use technologies. But it will not have a say in the development of these technologies in the future. When all three companies were approached for an immediate response, Wi-Fi Alliance and Huawei didn’t respond. While the SD Association sends an email stating that they are just obeying with the order given by the US Department of Commerce. There have been many reports in the past that accused Huawei of sharing its users’ information with the Chinese govt. US Govt finally took a stand against Huawei as President Donald Trump signed a national security order that banned Huawei in the US. After which many retailers, chipmakers, and even Google (Owner of Android) have started to distance themselves from Huawei in the past week.

Even Wifi Alliance and microSD Association Cuts off Ties with Huawei   TechDator - 2Even Wifi Alliance and microSD Association Cuts off Ties with Huawei   TechDator - 67