Trump Thinks Edward Snowden Was Treated Unfairly

For starters, Edward Snowden is a former contract employee for NSA and CIA, who leaked their covert mass surveillance over millions of citizens years back. The news has shaken the world, and eventually, Snowden escaped the USA to other countries and finally settled in Russia. He was since waiting for a proper system of return, where he’d be treated fairly in explaining things. While many hailed him as a hero, few politicians considered him as a traitor, for stealing and leaking government documents and missions. In them, Donald Trump is one too. In 2013, he accused Snowden as a spy, who should be executed! As a part of that, he also accused the former president, Barack Obama for letting this kind of ruthless surveillance happen under his nose. Trump didn’t speak anything about Snowden since he was elected as the President, until this Friday, when to talk to the New York Post in an exclusive interview at the Oval Office. He said,

Trump May Forgive Snowden and Allow Him to Return US - 70Trump May Forgive Snowden and Allow Him to Return US - 84